
Gain all the flexibility you need to meet client expectations with Umbria’s extensive planning features.


Gain all the flexibility you need to meet client
expectations with Umbria’s extensive planning features.

Flexible Planning for
Any Level of Complexity

Plan in any way you need to fulfill client expectations

Plan for Any Degree
of Complexity

Plan simple and complex matters
in any way you can think of. Plan
by phase, activity, task, office,
department, cost center, periodic,
recurring amounts, free text,
alternative fee arrangements, and

Plan With Any Fee

Satisfy client requests for non-
hourly fees by planning matters
with complex fees and multiple
fee arrangements. Allow part of
the matter plan to be hourly and
the other part non-hourly.

Map Phases to Multiple
eBilling Codes

Plan ahead so you can report the
way clients want you to by
mapping phases to multiple
eBilling codes. Group the plan in
any way you need and then map to
the appropriate codes for

Plan Across
Multi-Year Matters

Create multi-year plans and account for rate & cost increases or create multiple plans for each year of the case. Flexibly report and alert across all scenarios.

Plan from
Historical Matters

Improve efficiency & accuracy with historical matter planning. Plan from historical resources, hours, and more. Search past plans by key metadata such as responsible/billing lawyer, matter type, department, etc. Select multiple historical matters and plan by averaging across them.

See Umbria’s Planning
Features in Action

Leverage Templates for Easy Planning

Use existing plans or save standardized formats for quick & easy planning. Include all plan features in a template such as resources, phases, offices, pre-set values, and more. Automatically update any template to current rates and the appropriate currency.

Flexible Portfolio Planning

Create plans for groups of matters regardless of clients. Track plan at a matter level with rolled-up reporting or at a portfolio level with the ability to understand individual progress.

What-If Analysis for Testing Matter Scenarios

Test different matter scenarios and their impact on customizable KPIs. Use What-If analysis to add simple discounts, AFAs, and write-downs.

Explore Our Other
Umbria Features:

Explore Our Other Umbria Features:

Support Tools

Empower partners with decision tool such as What-If, Discount, and Write-Down Analysis.

& Alert

Monitor & alert on anything you can imagine with escalation, threshold alerts on WIP, Billed, Billable, and more.

Dashboards &

Create beautiful widget-based dashboards and send accurate reports to all stakeholders.

Decision Support Tools

Empower partners with decision tool such as What-If, Discount, and Write-Down Analysis.

Monitor & Alert

Monitor & alert on anything you can imagine with escalation, threshold alerts on WIP, Billed, Billable, and more.

Dashboards & Reporting

Create beautiful widget-based dashboards and send accurate reports to all stakeholders.